Summer is FINALLY here and nothing says summer like a beach trip to St. Simons Island! Welcome to all of you who are visiting the island for the first time and welcome back to all of you who call St. Simons your “second home”.
When I travel to a new destination, I always want to do what the “locals” do (as long as it doesn’t include bungee jumping or karaoke). The June issue of EIL is full of fun things to do which will hopefully make you “feel” like a local. My personal tips:
When you cross the Torras Causeway onto the island, let out a big sigh and feel your blood pressure lower 20 points as your body begins to acclimate to “island time.”
I love to visit NYC. I was told once that if you spend more than six hours in your hotel room in NYC, you are wasting valuable vacation time. So other than the time you spend sleeping, get out of that hotel or vacation rental condo and enjoy the island. There is too much to experience to be sitting inside watching Netflix!
There are many wonderful restaurants and retail shops here on the island. When you shop local, you ARE local!
This summer marks the first time since 1970 that I won’t have the privilege of saying “hey” to one of St. Simons Island’s most beloved icons, Roy Hodnett. When my family moved to St. Simons from Kansas City, MO, on July 3rd, 1970, some of the first people my folks met were Roy and Anne Hodnett. They made my parents feel welcome from the beginning and set an example on how to become an involved local. Roy ’s “fingerprint” can be seen all over the island and his legacy will be around for years to come. I know I’m a better person for having known him. If you were privileged enough to meet him, consider yourself lucky. If you never had the chance to meet Roy, when you walk around the Village, stroll down the beach or bike ride around the island, know that Roy Hodnett had a lot to do with making this island so special. I know if Roy was here today, he would say, “Hey! Welcome to St. Simons! Stay awhile.”

John Krivec