No Really, You Shouldn’t Have!
Well, Christmas has come and gone once again, and most of us are enjoying the latest electronic gadget, exercise equipment, gardening tool, cooking utensil or whatever gift that Santa left under the tree. Santa brought me a yoga mat this year so I can do the downward dog at home and not embarrass myself in front of a roomful of hot-looking young women.
Each year we all get gifts from friends and loved ones. And each year we always seem to get that ONE gift that makes us scratch our head. What were they thinking when they picked this “gift” out, bought it, went home and wrapped it, then put our name on the tag? Do they not know us? Or worse, do they just not like us? It dawned on me this year that maybe this ONE gift I received that was in question may have been…dun dun dun…REGIFTED!
Regifting. It’s the act of receiving a gift, and then, after an appropriate period of time, wrapping it up and giving it to someone else. Have you ever received a gift that you suspect has been regifted? It happens every year. We smile, show how grateful we are, and, above all else, keep our real feelings to ourselves when given a Christmas gift we simply can’t stand. We know someone has gone out of their way to get us a gift. From awful smelling perfume (remember Charlie or High Karate) to books on personal growth (How to Start a Magazine and Publish it Profitably) or the ugliest article of clothing ever created (the adult Shark pajama onesie with the shark feet), sometimes we just get a Christmas gift that leaves us wondering “What did I ever do to this person?”
Some of the more popular regift items are:
Candles: Not everyone loves a scented candle that smells like burnt cinnamon.
Picture Frames: With all of the social media out there nowadays who prints out photos and buys frames?
Fruitcake: It’s the all-time ultimate classic regift item!
Company Swag: I’ve got 1000 blue EIL frisbees left over from a cancelled event sitting in my garage.
Wine: That nice $5 bottle of Riesling will be brought to the next dinner party you attend.
Books: "Vegan Cooking for Midddle Aged Bachelors." Is there really a market for that?!
Bath Soaps: They’re the perfect “I don’t know what to get” gift.
Pajamas: It’s often the go-to last minute gift idea.
But be careful when choosing the recipient when you regift. Nothing’s worse than wrapping up a gift for Aunt Suzy only later to have someone point out that the present you regifted to Aunt Suzy is exactly what she gave YOU last year! Next Christmas, I’m playing it safe; everyone is going to get an EIL frisbee!