From left, KBGIB’s Christy Trowbridge, Lea King-Badyna and UGA Marine Extension and Georgia Sea Grant’s Katy Smith
Volunteer based community organization Keep Brunswick-Golden Isles Beautiful was recently honored with both state and national award distinctions for its work in the Golden Isles. In the Keep Georgia Beautiful Foundation affiliate network, KBGIB is second in the state among affiliates of its geographic size, and is recognized “for outstanding contributions to protect and preserve the environment of Georgia.” KBGIB provides local programming, projects and efforts in the areas of litter prevention, waste reduction/recycling, community greening, water resources awareness and community education. Nationally, KBGIB’s cigarette litter prevention program ranks third in the Keep America Beautiful affiliate system. The “This is Litter Too” campaign is in partnership with UGA Marine Extension and Georgia Sea Grant and has provided 19 public space ash receptacles, disseminated 600 pocket and car ash trays, performed cigarette litter surveys, provided local cigarette butt recycling access and promoted cigarette litter awareness through community educational events and programs.