39th Super Dolphin Day
St. Simons Casino Building - Library/Theatre 550 Beachview Drive, Saint Simons Island, Georgia 31522
Whether you're an Osprey or a Dolphin, student, parent, teacher, staff, or a just a member of the St. Simons Island community, come out to support the 39th Super Dolphin Day on Saturday, February 25. Both runners and walkers are welcome! You can even join the fun without participating in the run! First, the fun begins with the Pasta Party and Silent Auction at St. Simons Elementary School, Friday, February 24 at 5:00-8:00 p.m. Sponsored by Chef Dave Snyder and Halyards Catering, you'll enjoy mouthwatering pasta & sauce from Halyards/Tramici, salad from Crabdaddy's Seafood Grill and desserts from Boulevard Cafe. The pasta dinner is open to the public and can be enjoyed in the cafeteria or get some to carry out. What a delicious way to prep for Saturday's race! Registration and race packet pick-up take place in the gym, where you can also bid on the fantastic silent auction items donated by local businesses. Saturday is Race Day! The 10K starts at 7:00 a.m., the 5K at 8:30 a.m. and the 1 Mile Fun Run at 9:30 a.m. Registration and race start for all races is at the Visitors Center at Neptune Park. After the race, there are free refreshments, music, bounce house, and the awards presentation. All proceeds benefit Oglethorpe Point and St. Simons Elementary schools. Register now at superdolphinday.com.