The Island Players Young People’s Summer Workshop Production of Disney’s Mulan, Jr.
St. Simons Casino Building - Library/Theatre 550 Beachview Drive, Saint Simons Island, Georgia 31522
Since 1975, the Island Players’ Young People's Summer Workshop (YPSW) has drawn anywhere from 60 to 80 children, ages 8 and up, per year to perform a summer show. The YPSW introduces our local children to a wonderful community theater experience, teaching them various aspects of the theater, and culminates in a fabulous musical show for families to enjoy. This year’s production is Disney’s Mulan, Jr. The kids have been working hard under the direction of Jeff Dempsey, with the assistance of producer Tammy Kavanaugh, so come see them in action. Two casts alternate shows at the St. Simons Casino Theatre on the performance dates of July 17-21, 24-28. For more information and tickets, visit