The Christ Church Frederica Episcopal Church Women kicked off the 63rd year of the Christ Church Tour of Homes with a coffee in the church parish hall. Attendees enjoyed delicious refreshments provided by the Joseph & Mary Guild while listening to descriptions of the houses on this year’s Tour.
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Julie Andrew Tharpe
Beth Smith, Avery Brooks
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Julie Andrew Tharpe
Cathy Foster, Jane Watson
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Julie Andrew Tharpe
Paige Peck, Natasha Williams
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Julie Andrew Tharpe
Ellen Abell, Jane Brockway
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Julie Andrew Tharpe
Bootie Wood, Edith Tayloe
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Julie Andrew Tharpe
Nancy Zell, Sophia Porson
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Julie Andrew Tharpe
Sally Essig, David Lowe
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Julie Andrew Tharpe
Gloria Gash, Michelle Dittrich
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Julie Andrew Tharpe
Nancy Butler, Billie Huggins
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Julie Andrew Tharpe
Charlotte Graham, Anne Peck
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Julie Andrew Tharpe
Brenda Hartwell, Chris Franklin, Janice Davis
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Julie Andrew Tharpe
Klara Faulk, Carol Davis
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Julie Andrew Tharpe
Gail Johnson, Jody Custer, Judy Cheshire
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Julie Andrew Tharpe