14th Annual ACS Breast Cancer Luncheon & Fashion Show

Jeannie Blaylock
Reserve your seat at the 14th Annual American Cancer Society Breast Cancer Fashion Show & Luncheon on Friday, October 18. The event features breast cancer survivors as models for fashions from local boutiques, including Belk, Go Fish and Talbots, as well as a featured guest speaker and information about breast cancer prevention and detection.
This year’s guest speaker is Jeannie Blaylock, co-anchor First Coast News 5 p.m. & 6 p.m., Healthwatch reporter, creator of “Buddy Check 12,” a program to help women overcome breast cancer through early detection. Presenting Sponsor are Vincent K. Arlauskas, MD and Stephen G. Barrett, MD. Tickets are $35, and are available at Ameris Bank, Lady Outfitters, Pat’s Hallmark, Antiques Etc., and the American Cancer Society office at the Southeast Georgia Health System, Brunswick Campus.