A Dickens of an Evening: A Christmas Carol
McIntosh County Academy Auditorium 8945 Hwy 17, City of Darien, Georgia 31305
Dickens of an Evening Tabby Players
The Tabby Wall Players present A Dickens of An Evening: A Christmas Carol, told in a Reader’s Theater style, with an emphasis on the dramatic art of storytelling. The descriptive adaptation sparkles. Join us at the MCA Auditorium for an evening that is truly a feast for the senses and let this theater of the imagination bring fresh life to this classic Christmas tale of transformation and redemption.
The cast: Beth Walters, Annette Thompson Logue, Vera Logue, Bo Logue, Danielle Silva
Show dates and Times
December 20, 2013 7:30 pm
December 21, 2013 3:00 pm and 7:30 pm
Tickets can be purchased at the McIntosh Old Art Jail in Darien, Posh Pineapple in Townsend, or T-Mobile at the Glynn Place Mall in Brunswick. $10 for adults or $5 for children under 12.