A Taste of SoGlo Benefiting Second Harvest
Tipsy McSway's Neighborhood Bar & Grill 1414 Newcastle St., City of Brunswick, Georgia 31520
Check in at Tipsy McSway's at 5:00 and enjoy the music of Crawford Perkins. You can get your Trolley pass there and begin your tasting tour that will include Basil Thai and Sushi Bar, Brunswick Manor, where Phil King will be performing, The Southern Table and Bar, where Michael Hulett will be performing, and Indigo Coastal Shanty. Saint Simons Colonial Island Trolley Tours will provide the transportation during the this event. Tickets are $50 per person and are available at Second Harvest Food Bank 912-261-7979 or contact Kalista Morton 912-816-8689. *You may also send a check to reserve your spot to: Second Harvest 134 Indigo Dr. Brunswick, GA 31525
Many thanks to participating restaurants in downtown Brunswick for Supporting Second Harvest Food Bank and those in the Coastal region that are food insecure.