Ashantilly Ice Cream Churn-Off 2019
Ashantilly Center 15591 GA Hwy 99, Darien, Georgia 31305
Mark October 6th on your calendar as a date for deliciousness! It’s the Annual Ice Cream Churn-off at Ashantilly Center in Darien from 4:00-6:00 p.m.! This family-friendly event includes
ice cream, live music, raffle, and a jewelry sale. A $5 admission fee includes 3 tastes, and you can purchase an additional 3 for $5 more. We veteran tasters know you’re in for a treat and some creative flavors. Our friends from Sugar Marsh Cottage Confectionery have been known to bring their A game! You need only bring your chairs, some cash, and adventurous tastebuds. Proceeds benefit the care and upkeep of Ashantilly Center. For more information or to enter the churn-off, call 912.437.4473 or visit