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John and Nancy Ludwig
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Tanny Garth, Jane Beadles, Gail Ledbetter, Claudia
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Kim Beckum, Annabelle Robinette
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Kim Beckum, Annabelle Robinette
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Timme Feininger, Lee Catts
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Aiden Maier, Bess Thompson, Lillian Clarke
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Brooke Sumerford, Marie Artman
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Katie Brown, Kim Maupin, Carrie Lewis
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Mary Watson, Jane Beadles, Nancy Ludwig
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Weezie Campbell, Kitsy Teltsch
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M. J. Choate, Victoria Simms
As a kickoff to the season, John and Nancy Ludwig graciously opened their Ocean Forest home to the members of the Golden Isles Junior League sustainers for an afternoon of merriment. Each year, it’s a tradition for members to bring holiday gifts for residents of the Amity House.