1 of 14
Lee Baxter, Valerie Hepburn
2 of 14
Brenda Boone-Cove, Lisa Mericle
3 of 14
Stephanie D’Amico, Leah Hall
4 of 14
Sandra Brunson, Joyce White, Ellen Woodside, Barbara Smith
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Barbara Smith, Alicia Smith and Erik Kargill, Dave Smith
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Marjorie Mathieu, Lisa Morgan
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Adam Carter, Ashley Stone, Debbie and Brad Brown
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Nicole Anderson, Ashley Hornbuckle, Ashley Adamson
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Laura Seban, Amy and Andy Broderick
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Charles Wilson, Mark Baker, Tres Hamilton, Craig Campbell
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Jeanna Childree, Ally Urquhart, Jeanie Beth Baxter
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Rick Riess, Dave Snyder, Scott Steilen
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Albert and Joyce Shelander
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Brenda and Jack Kilgore, Dana Haza
This year's Brunswick-Golden Isles Chamber of Commerce awards dinner was a relaxed and casual low-country picnic, held in the Grand Ballroom of The Cloister Hotel. Honorees included Jack Kilgore, Albert Shelander & EIL's own David Butler.