Sea Island recently hosted a Matthew’s Angels Oyster Roast and Plantation Supper at Rainbow Island to celebrate the community and those who went over and above to help others during Hurricane Matthew. Several local restaurants also participated. All ticket sales from the event, plus a matching amount from Tito’s Handmade Vodka, are being donated to the United Way of Coastal Georgia, specifically directed to the local chapters of the Salvation Army and American Red Cross. Additional funds were raised from some amazing live auction packages, and RSM presented a $10,000 donation which was matched by Davis and Robin Love and the Davis Love Foundation. A total amount of $100,550 was raised to be distributed to those in need. What an incredible community we live in!
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Julie Andrew
Kelley Spaeder, Davis Love III, Virginia Brown
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Catina Tindall, Janelle Harvey, Donna Leggett
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Yates and Nicole Anderson
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Dana and Donna Mason, Chris, Helena, and Kathi Hardy
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Sandra and Bill Brunson, Brenda Kilgore
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Bethany and Jared Vann, Tom and Liz Parrott
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Patrick Kent, Ella Stimpson
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Julie Andrew
Frankie and Gordon Strother, Terry Friddle
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Patrick Dunn, Scott Reid, Mark Love
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Beth Ann Tyrer, Pat Patel, Amy and Mike Haugen
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Tom Reagan, Cheryl Griggs, Kacey Popa
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Vicki and Jim Bell, Lou and Pete Bailey
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Buzzy Ramsey, Carla Lee
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Nancy Roberts, Alice Walker, Helen Aberle
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Suzanne Jackson, Victoria Ten Broeck
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Casey Lavin, Jay Wiggins
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Majors John and Geri Dancer
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Adam and Caroline Asbell, Candy and Rob Asbell
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Kristin Stenzel, Traci Helfrich, Tris Strickland, Russ Alexander
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Catherine Lecrone, Trish and Patrick Layton
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Weezie Cambpell, Peggy Mitchell, Faye Foster
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Ellen Dunn, Paulo and Dawn Albuquerque
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Bill Welch, Rick Harper
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Julie Andrew